Blueberry Plants Nursery
DiMeo Farms and Blueberry Plants Nursery are real expert NJ blueberry farmer who can ship ultra-heavy BIG bearing organic blueberry plants direct to your door for less. We feature how to organic blueberry plants with low blueberry bush pricing and blueberry planting tips to grow ORGANIC, Non-GMO, Heirloom blueberries at home in your own organic blueberry garden, just like our happy DiMeo Farms customers did. CALL NOW (609) 561-5905 to get a fast Winter or Spring 2025 blueberry planting season shipping quote for mail order blueberry bushes that can be shipped to you, or you can personally pick-up big blueberry bushes for sale at our New Jersey family blueberry farm. DiMeo Farms can answer your questions about growing organic blueberries at home in your own backyard organic blueberry patch or garden. Buy beautiful organic blueberry plants on sale from real blueberry experts who’s family has been growing blueberries since 1916.
DiMeo Blueberry Farms and Blueberry Plants Nursery in New Jersey
2 Year-Old Organic Blueberry Plants (25 plant minimum) ($10 each) with multi-branching. These are great for those starting a large blueberry patch or if you want to start a pick your own blueberry farm or just grow organic blueberries for fresh blueberry market sales. Ready to Fruit in Summer 2025. No matter the size, all of our DiMeo blueberries plants are the lowest priced blueberry plants, because you can buy direct from real blueberry farmers who understand not just the American blueberry industry, but who also know how to teach customers how to get better high organic blueberry yields from blueberry bushes when they are planted using the DiMeo Farms old fashioned time-tested methods. CALL NOW (609) 561-5905 and get all official details on our main website.
3 Year-Old Organic Blueberry Bushes (5 plant minimum) ($15 each) Multi-branched, BIG bearing-size with nice blueberry root systems. These are a step down from the fully mature blueberry bushes that home blueberry gardeners also buy and love. Ready to Fruit in Summer 2025. Average homeowner can order ten (10) of these blueberry bushes so that you can enjoy fresh organic blueberries for eating, freezing and enjoy healthy berries throughout the entire year with different blueberry recipes. They are the best low priced NJ blueberry bushes in America. CALL NOW (609) 561-5905 with all your blueberry plants questions. We have the best tasting blueberry varieties to choose from. We even have giant fully mature blueberry bushes for sale within our farm inventory. Just call to ask us about current pricing and availability.
Mature blueberry bushes that edible landscapers love for edible landscaping with blueberries and other berry plants such as red raspberry plants and thornless blackberry plant which we also sell. These big bearing-size super size blueberry bushes are the “Rolls Royce of blueberry bushes.” DiMeo Farms can custom hand dig mature organic blueberry bushes for of our happy customers when we they are available. Large wholesale fully mature blueberry bushes. Discounts are sometimes available at our retail or wholesale blueberry plants nursery in New Jersey. Be sure to always go to our official website first, to get all official details and more recent updated information before ordering.
Always call DiMeo Farms first to confirm blueberry plant pricing and availability. We thank you for your blueberry plants business. We greatly appreciate it, and enjoy hearing from and seeing our customers during our NJ blueberry picking season at our pick your own organic blueberry farms in Hammonton, New Jersey.
DiMeo Farms (609) 561-5905