DiMeo Farms Blueberry Plants Nursery - Large Blueberry Bushes for Sale

ORGANIC, Non-GMO, Heirloom Blueberry Bushes shipped direct from REAL blueberry farmers. Only $15. DiMeo Farms ships Big Blueberry Plants all across America. One call. All your answers on growing organic blueberries from America's #1 Source for Blueberry Plants. CALL NOW (609) 561-5905

Tag: hammonton blueberry farm

Organic Blueberry Plants – DiMeo Farms & Blueberry Bushes Nursery in South Jersey

Blueberry Plants DiMeo Farms New Jersey

Grow Healthy Organic Blueberries with DiMeo Farms in Hammonton, New Jersey

DiMeo Farms grows the best BIG ultra-heavy bearing organic blueberry plants. Our blueberry farmers sell and ship blueberry bushes direct to all types of blueberry growers of every size. Big or small. Even small backyard gardeners looking to buy just five (5) blueberry bushes for their backyard organic blueberry plants garden. We can ship direct to you at low wholesale blueberry plant prices. Take a ride out to our fourth generation family blueberry farm in NJ to buy bigger, better blueberry bushes direct, or we can ship ultra-heavy bearing ORGANIC, Non-GMO, Heirloom blueberry plants direct to your door. All sizes of blueberry plants and large blueberry bushes available. CALL NOW (609) 561-5905 with questions. Discover why DiMeo Farms is America’s most popular source for the best blueberry plants from our NJ blueberry farm and blueberry plants nursery in New Jersey. We can teach you how to grow healthy organic blueberries in large pots, containers, raised beds or in your backyard berry plants garden with real expert advice. www.DiMeoFarms.com

Blueberry Nursery

Growing Organic Blueberry Bushes – DiMeo Farms & Blueberry Plants Nursery Family Blueberry Farm in the NJ Pinelands

Blueberry Plants and Bushes for Sale – DiMeo Farms

Growing Organic Blueberries

Grow Big Healthy Organic Blueberries on Ultra-Heavy Bearing Blueberry Plants from DiMeo Farms in Hammonton, NJ

DiMeo Farms sells and ships ORGANIC, Non-GMO, Heirloom blueberry bushes direct from our DiMeo Blueberry Farms blueberry plant nursery in New Jersey. Customers love our beautiful family NJ blueberry farm. Buy the best blueberry plants for sale farmer direct. Only $15 each. Prices are subject to change. DiMeo blueberries are the best tasting big blueberries. Below is Great-Grandpop DiMeo’s old wooden corn crib, that we restored and converted into one of our pick your own organic blueberry farm fruit stands. The DiMeo family first grew and planted organic blueberries in New Jersey over 100 years ago. There is deep rooted DiMeo family blueberry farm history in the beautiful NJ Pine Barrens. Go blueberry picking in NJ at our pick your own organic NJ blueberry farm. We can teach you how to plant healthy organic blueberries and grow better tasting organic blueberries at home. The best locally grown organic blueberries can be easily grown in your own backyard blueberry garden, blueberry patch or edible blueberry bush hedge row . CALL NOW (609) 561-5905 to get a fast Fall 2024 shipping quote, or to schedule a pick-up appointmentwww.DiMeoFarms.com

Blueberry Plants for Sale direct from DiMeo's Blueberry Farms in Hammonton, New Jersey

Buy the Best NJ Blueberry Plants and Bushes at DiMeo Blueberry Farms in Hammonton, New Jersey. Prices are subject to change.

Check out www.DiMeoFarms.com/blueberry-plants

Blueberry Picking – DiMeo Farms in South Jersey

What a busy blueberry picking season in New Jersey this year. Many people have been calling to ask about buying blueberries direct from our family farm but, many of them want to come out and go blueberry picking at our popular u-pick blueberries farm in South Jersey where then can spend quality time with their loved ones picking blueberries at our gorgeous family blueberry farm. Most of the people are referred by “word of mouth” since once people come here and see our beautiful farm operation, they come back year after year. The media called us and asked us if they could feature our operation that continues Great-Grandpop DiMeo’s 100 year-old blueberry growing legacy. Our customer had fun with the photo shoot and we sure appreciate being chosen for the media feature for our successful pick your own blueberries farm in Hammonton. CALL NOW (609) 561-5905 to ask questions or schedule a blueberry picking appointment. Get directions on our www.DiMeoFarms.com website.

People love picking blueberries at DiMeo's Blueberry Farms in Hammonton

People love picking blueberries at DiMeo’s Pick Your Own Blueberry Farms in Hammonton, where our old fashioned Heirloom berries are so much better tasting. Call now (609) 561-5905 to ask questions about blueberry picking in New Jersey at our popular family blueberry farm.

Edible Landscaping – Blueberry Bushes Fall Foliage

One of the many reasons that so many edible landscapers come to DiMeo Blueberry Farms is to buy blueberry bushes they can re-sell to home owners, but now you can save so much money, not only by growing your own organic blueberries but buy buying blueberry bushes direct from our family blueberry farm and berry plants garden center. Look how beautiful blueberry bushes are during the fall season at www.DiMeoFarms.com

The blueberry leaves turn a bright beautiful red color during the fall season and then the branches turn a deep red color during the entire winter season which makes blueberries perfect for edible landscaping in your yard. Call us now (609) 561-5905 to buy the best berry bushes direct from real berry farmers in New Jersey. We greatly appreciate your business. Thank you.

Children Love DiMeo Blueberry Farms and Learn How to Grow Blueberries with DiMeo Blueberry Plants

Not only do we get to work around a gorgeous pick your own blueberry farm surrounded by tall 80′ foot red cedar trees in the heart of the New Jersey Pine Barrens but we get to meet some of the most amazing people and they even send their children to learn about blueberries at our family owned blueberry farms in New Jersey. On this day, our DiMeo Farms donated blueberries to these children from the Children’s Academy & Learning Center, we hosted them at our family blueberry farms and let them pick farm fresh blueberries and gave a talk on how to grow blueberries to encourage the kids to “know where there food comes from” and to “know their farmer” and they loved the blueberries, thanks for the opportunity, it was fun and a pleasure to give back to our community

The Best Tasting Blueberries

Give us a call now at: (609) 561-5905 to read more about mythicalmaids.com services and farm center that features pick your own blueberries during the months of June, July and August workers compensation lawyer philadelphia. Not to mention you can buy blueberry plants direct from our family blueberry farm which has “super-hardy” blueberry bushes that will grow better tasting blueberries as our customers often say “these are the best blueberries I have ever tasted”

Another Family Enjoying U Pick Blueberries at DiMeo’s Pick Your Own Blueberry Farms

This is quality family time spent together. Today, this nice girl drove hours just to take her amazing parents on a special road trip to pick blueberries (only $2.00 per pint or $20 for a 12 pint crate) at our family pick your own blueberry farms in New Jersey (Hammonton), call us to make an appointment now: (609) 561-5905, picking blueberries surrounded by the New Jersey pine barrens, all nature surrounding our gorgeous blueberry fields, you can even have a picnic with your family, give us a try, we guarantee that you will come back, we are the cleanest family operation

Bringing Families together at DiMeo’s Pick Your Own Blueberry Farms

Kids Love to Pick Blueberries at DiMeo’s PYO Blueberry Farms

So many happy kids had a great time picking  blueberries today at DiMeo’s pick your own  blueberry farms in New Jersey (Hammonton), only $2.00 per pint, CALL US NOW: (609) 561-5905 to make an appointment to pick “better tasting” blueberries surrounded by the beautiful and peaceful New Jersey Pine Barrens, groups can even have a picnic for free along our gorgeous blueberry fields, enjoy nature and a fun day picking blueberries at our family blueberry farm like these adorable blueberry pickers

PYO Blueberries at DiMeo PYO Blueberry Farms NJ

Teaching Your Children How to Grow Blueberries

WOW. There is now over 30,000 LIKES on our DiMeo Farms Facebook profile now. That’s so much for your support. We love our customers. It’s such an honor to host many of you who drive out (or fly out) to visit our DiMeo blueberry farms and  blueberry plant garden center. Another hard working mother brought her two daughters to DiMeo’s pick your own blueberry farms and  blueberry plant garden center to teach the girls how to grow blueberries at home with the best 100% natural blueberry bushes (BIG Bearing-Size blueberry bushes for only $10) from REAL blueberry farmers, STILL TIME TO PLANT call us now: (609) 561-5905 and buy blueberry plants that are made from real blueberry farmers with many years of blueberry growing experience

DiMeo Fruit Farms Featured in Media

Three generations of living DiMeo family farmers were featured working together on the front page of The Press of Atlantic City. The media contacted us and asked to interview us at DiMeo Farms in Hammonton, New Jersey. We are proud to promote New Jersey blueberries and continue the DiMeo legacy of growing the best tasting blueberries using old-fashioned time tested berry growing methods started by the very first generation of DiMeo farmers that started growing blueberries back over 100 year ago when the DiMeo family came over from Sulmona, Italy to settle in the Town of Hammonton.

DiMeo Fruit Farms in the Media – DiMeo Farms Reviews